What to Know about Purchasing Microsoft Office 2021 vs. Subscribing for Microsoft 365

What to Know about Purchasing Microsoft Office 2021 vs. Subscribing for Microsoft 365

Microsoft Office oriductsThe Microsoft Office 2021 lifetime license is for the Office Suite version available for both PCs and Macs, which can be digitally acquired by paying for a single up-front cost via a one-time purchase transaction. However, this MS Office 2021 version has no upgrade option. Upgrades in any will be available by way of another major release, denoting that Office 2021 users have to pay in full for the new version in order to upgrade their MS Office version.

Currently, Microsoft Partner NerdUsed, which sells various Microsoft products online is offering the Microsoft Office 2021 and 2019 at greatly discounted prices of $29.99 and $19.99, respectively. Still, there has been some confusion over which MS product to purchase since in 2022, the software company altogether stopped releasing “Microsoft Office” branded products.

In their stead, Microsoft focused on deploying the cloud-based Microsoft 365 services and Office 365 programs that the company previously marketed under the Microsoft Office brand. The cloud-based platform allows real-time collaboration among subscribers using various productivity software like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, intranet services, hosted email and other special big-league enterprise products and services like Sharepoint, Viva Engage and Exchange Server.

A Glimpse of the Microsoft 365 Cloud-Based Platform

Available and accessible online by way of subscription-based plans, Microsoft 365 also offers subscription-based licenses for upgrading desktop apps in accordance with the subscription plan selected. The arrangement though involves uninstalling any versions of Microsoft Office suites in the subscribers Mac or PC, when getting the latest security updates, features and bug fixes from the cloud-based platform. Additionally, MS 365 subscribers are entitled to receive continuing tech support at no additional costs.

Another notable Microsoft product available online via the Microsoft 365 platform is the mobile software for Android devices. The app allows subscribers to stay productive while on the go since the MS mobi;e app enables subscribers to view, edit and create documents, spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations while using their smartphone or tablet.

Consulting with a Microsoft Partner about the Benefits of Purchasing the 2021 Microsoft Office vs. Subscribing for Microsoft 365

Image of a Microsoft Partner explaining Microsoft productThe user-friendly NerdUsed website provides customers with an easy to navigate, Microsoft-dedicated online store from which they can browse and buy safely. As a certified Microsoft Partner, NerdUsed has the capability to quickly deliver digitally any Microsoft products purchased ĥfrom the e-commerce store.

As a Microsoft Partner, NerdUsed keep customers informed about the latest and most recent Microsoft productivity tools released by the software company. Although the Microsoft 365 platform offers subscriptions for license upgrades for desktop apps, it’s important for customers to consult with NerdUsed’s team of experts to fully understand how such upgrades apply to their existing Microsoft Office suite.
